Ordered container mixin class.
This is an extension to the regular ObjectManager. It saves the objects in order and lets you change the order of the contained objects. This is particular helpful, if the order does not depend on object attributes, but is totally user-specific.
Move specified sub-objects to bottom of container.
See moveObjectsByDelta for more details.
Move specified object to absolute position.
Move specified sub-objects down by delta in container.
If no delta is specified, delta is 1. See moveObjectsByDelta for more details.
Order sub-objects by key and direction.
Move specified sub-objects to top of container.
See moveObjectsByDelta for more details.
Get the position of an object by its id.
Move specified sub-objects by delta.
If delta is higher than the possible maximum, objects will be moved to the bottom. If delta is lower than the possible minimum, objects will be moved to the top.
If subset_ids is not None, delta will be interpreted relative to the subset specified by a sequence of ids. The position of objects that are not part of this subset will not be changed.
The order of the objects specified by ids will always be preserved. So if you don't want to change their original order, make sure the order of ids corresponds to their original order.
If an object with id doesn't exist an error will be raised.
Move specified sub-objects up by delta in container.
If no delta is specified, delta is 1. See moveObjectsByDelta for more details.