API Documentation

class ObjectManager

An ObjectManager contains other Zope objects. The contained objects are Object Manager Items.

To create an object inside an object manager use 'manage_addProduct':

  self.manage_addProduct['OFSP'].manage_addFolder(id, title)

In DTML this would be:

    <dtml-call "manage_addProduct['OFSP'].manage_addFolder(id, title)">

These examples create a new Folder inside the current ObjectManager.

manage_addProduct is a mapping that provides access to product constructor methods. It is indexed by product id.

Constructor methods are registered during product initialization and should be documented in the API docs for each addable object.

__module__ = __builtin__



This method returns a list of objects of a given meta_type(es) contained in the Object Manager and all its parent Object Managers.

The type argument specifies the meta_type(es). It can be a string specifying one meta_type, or it can be a list of strings to specify many.

Python only


This method returns a sequence of contained objects.

Like objectItems and objectIds, it accepts one argument, either a string or a list to restrict the results to objects of a given meta_type or set of meta_types.


  <dtml-in expr="objectValues('Folder')">
    <dtml-var icon>
    This is the icon for the: <dtml-var id> Folder<br>.
    There are no Folders.

The results were restricted to Folders by passing a meta_type to objectValues method.

Access contents information


Removes one or more children from the Object Manager. The ids argument is either a list of child ids, or a single child id.

Delete objects


Returns a child object given a child id. If there is no child with the given id, a KeyError is raised. This method makes it easy to refer to children that have id with file extensions. For example:


Note: this function only finds children; it doesn't return properties or other non-child attributes.

Note: this function doesn't use acquisition to find children. It only returns direct children of the Object Manager. By contrast, using dot notation or getattr will locate children (and other attributes) via acquisition if necessary.

Access contents information


Returns the id of the object or method used as the default when the object manager is published. By default, this setting is acquired. If the acquire argument is true, then the return value will be acquired from the parent if it is not set locally. Otherwise, None is returned if the default id is not set on this object manager.



This method returns a sequence of (id, object) tuples.

Like objectValues and objectIds, it accepts one argument, either a string or a list to restrict the results to objects of a given meta_type or set of meta_types.

Each tuple's first element is the id of an object contained in the Object Manager, and the second element is the object itself.


  <dtml-in objectItems>
   id: <dtml-var sequence-key>,
   type: <dtml-var meta_type>
    There are no sub-objects.

Access contents information


This method returns a list of the ids of the contained objects.

Optionally, you can pass an argument specifying what object meta_type(es) to restrict the results to. This argument can be a string specifying one meta_type, or it can be a list of strings to specify many.


  <dtml-in objectIds>
    <dtml-var sequence-item>
    There are no sub-objects.

This DTML code will display all the ids of the objects contained in the current Object Manager.

Access contents information

setBrowserDefaultId(id=, acquire=0):

Sets the id of the object or method used as the default method when the object manager is published. If acquire is set then the default method id will be acquired from the parent container.

Manage folderish settings